Sunday, March 2, 2008

Flickr WOO HOO! :)

Above is a link to the picture (because it would'nt upload) i liked most in flickr so far! Its a sculpture of books that remind me of artist Andy Warhol - The only information i could find on this sculpture was -

“Good as gold,” purchased at a cost of $34,000, stands eight feet high and is a continuous loop of books resting on steel feet. Holes drilled into the books were strung like beads onto a steel bar. Lipski stated that the project took “two to three months” from inception to completion.Most of the books looped into the sculpture came from the Book Barn in Bridgehampton, New York and were selected by Lipski based on size, color, and subject matter. As a special addition, a few books at the base of the sculpture are withdrawn items from The Kansas City Public Library's collection.
I think it would be amazing if we had a WHOLE line of these circles of books so it would be like a corridor and you could walk down it to get into the library! but you would have to make sure it was undercover of course in case of rain! it might get a tad soggy.

I think it is really creative and a fantastic idea!! I want one!! you cuold make a whole rainbow will all the different coloured books! the ideas go on forever!

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